The Prague Quadrennial of performance design and space is the largest scenography event in the world. The polish national exhibition of 2011 edition was exploring the notion of white cube. White cube – a white, neutral exhibition space, functions as the most iconic space for the reception of art. In principle, it is supposed to be a neutral zone, the so-called ground zone, where experiencing art is deprived of the context of time or social conditioning. What is more, white cube establishes a clear division into what should be left outside, i.e. society and politics, and what has the right to be inside – the unchanging value of a work of art.Nevertheless, white cube is never a neutral practice. Its use, similarly to the usage of any other exposition strategy, is a way of institutionalizing a work of art. In its essence, white cube not only conditions works of art but also dominates them, and turns the context into the content itself – instead of presenting content in the framework of a context.Nevertheless, white cube is never a neutral practice. Its use, similarly to the usage of any other exposition strategy, is a way of institutionalizing a work of art. In its essence, white cube not only conditions works of art but also dominates them, and turns the context into the content itself – instead of presenting content in the framework of a context.
The white cube in the Veletržni Palác gallery is a reflection of the system of rules concerning behavior towards a work of art and its perception in the framework of an art institution. The gallery space, which is predictable in its defined framework, castrate all intuitive reactions, limit the reception of the artwork, and strictly define the way of reacting to it. Spectators can now question the rules (should they wish to) and actively influence the shape of the presentation space. They can make a hole in a wall; break through the shell of culture and custom which conditions the reception and definition of art. They can open their eyes to the possibilities.
Thanks to presence of putty knifes in exhibition space visitors may destroy the whiteness of white cube by scraping of the special paint on the walls. The effect was amazing.
Exhibition : Prague Quadrennial of Performing Design and space
16-26 of June 2011 in Prague in Czech.
Years of production: 2010-2011
Polish Exhibition:
General Commissioner: Maciej Nowak
Author of theme: Ewa Machnio, Agata Skwarczyńska
Curator of national exhibition: Ewa Machnio, Agata Skwarczyńska
Curator of architecture section: Ewa Machnio, Agata Skwarczyńska
Designer of exhibition: Ewa Machnio, Agata Skwarczyńska
Curator of student section: Grzegorz Kowalski
Coordinator and producer: Anna Galas
Consultant of national exhibition: Joanna Warsza
Institution: The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute
Photo: Bartek Sowa