The ancient Slavic culture and religion was the frame of reference in this set design. Together with other artists in this production we were discussing the possible access to the forgotten legacy of our ancestry. By the fact of Christian incursion (Teutonic Order) into the Slavic lands and forced baptism the ancient civilisation of Slavia was destroyed and deracinated. There is no reliable testimony of this time: what was this world like? How the people lived? What was their religion and ceremonies? All we know about our own history are rumours and legends. In Beniowski’s production we wanted to get close to roots of our Slavic civilisation even if it will be only an act of imaginary journey.
My goal was to create the imaginary place of common reunion of woman tribe. The after-image of ancient chram an unknown sacral structure from the past. Some of the historical sources claimed that chram might not been even a building, more likeable is the form of natural forest chapel. Following this presumption I’ve designed a special ceiling construction consist of about 60 modules which made an impression of a mysterious tree vault. Each module was a metal frame approximate in shape to a leaf. The impression of leaf was intensify with braided pattern of a string.
The vault was placed under the stage and audience zone, just above the heads of the spectators. I wanted to join this two spheres by one common ceiling, initiate more engaged dialog with the performance. The idea of the tree vault reflect a Romantic vision of the nature as a wild, misterious and sensitive creature.